We are emphatically excited to share with you on an innovative way to increase your revenue either for yourself or your sales people
For more details and the benefit of being FirstTel resellers or connecting partners at

We Offer Two Schemes of Incentives
- You have to handle sales enquiries and seal the contract. We provide phone consultation to you and sales team
- First Tel to process your application for your clients.
- Updates on jobs implementation will be provided so that you can advise your customers.
- Subject to existing promotions from SingTel, routers installations are chargeable at $150 if you engaged FirstTel engineers. Alternately, reseller may choose to pick up bundled routers from First Tel’s office and handle installation at your end.
- All post sales / technical support are to be handled by reseller, directly with SingTel technical support helpdesk or you can advise the customers to call them directly.
- All contracts are bound by SingTel terms and conditions.
- Partner to provide end customer’s contact details and basic requirements.
- First Tel’s sales team handle end customer’s requirements directly
- negotiations, application and installation arrangement is arranged by First Tel directly with end customers.
- Post sales / technical support to be handled by First Tel , hand in hand with Singtel support.